hukum-hukum gerakan newton bahasa Inggris
- gerakan: campaign; moval; move; movement; operation;
- newton: newton (unit); n; newton; isaac newton; sir isaac
- hukum gerak kedua newton: newton's second law of motion
- hukum gerak ketiga newton: newton's third law of motion
- hukum gerak newton: newton law of motion; newton's laws of motion
- hukum gravitasi newton: newton law of gravitation; newton's law of gravitation
- hukum gravitasi universal newton: newton's law of universal gravitation; christillin|newton's law
- hukum hambatan newton: newton's law of resistance
- hukum kegravitian semesta newton: newton's law of universal gravitation; christillin|newton's law
- hukum newton kedua: newton second law; newton's second law
- hukum newton ketiga: newton third law; newton's third law
- hukum newton pertama: newton first law; newton's first law
- hukum pendinginan newton: newton law for cooling; newton law for heat loss; newton's law of cooling
- hukum gerakan planet kepler: kepler's laws of planetary motion
- hukum: decree; lave; law; laws; penalize; illegal; justice; legal; torah; pentateuch; doom; penalty; order; dogma; law of nature; discipline; tenet; penalise; customs; sentence; revenge; punish; verdict; s